Hello Grace Church,
Attached is a recent communication from Bishop Phoebe. It is very thoughtful and detailed, providing guidelines regarding how and when to resume in person worship. All of the considerations given address concerns to reduce infection rates of COVID 19. These include no nursery, no Godly Play or children gathering, limited number of musician soloists only and no congregational hymns, no coffee hour, limited to daily office or morning prayer without Eucharist, baptism or confirmation, and distribution of seating to accommodate social distancing within the physical space with limitation of attendance accordingly.
The vestry has carefully considered all these factors and weighed those against the powerful depth of experience of gathering in our homes with our families to worship with our digital offerings. While not the same as corporate worship under the roof of our church home, we feel that our digital worship experience offers as much or more than the limitations and concerns of a larger in person gathering at this time. And we believe that the Grace Church congregation would be safer at home than in person right now.
We will continue to actively monitor the situation as we gradually take small steps out in the community and reconsider in person worship for July.
Please provide your feedback directly to vestry members. We want our spiritual and physical lives to be well and strong.
Also, the closing of the sale of the rectory was completed last week. On Friday, May 15, a deposit of $167,000 was made to Grace Church. These funds are intended to be used in secure long term investments to further secure the financial health of Grace Church. Our capital campaign for physical improvements to Grace Church continues as planned with a goal of $78,000 by the fall of 2021. Many thanks to everyone in helping us reach this goal.
Finally. Be well. Be of good faith. Each of us should feel beloved as children of God and loved as part of our Grace Church family. We will be together again. And it will be glorious.
Sincerely ,
the Vestry of Grace Church