Your First Visit to Grace Church

We warmly welcome your visit to Grace Church and hope you will be blessed as you worship with us.  We hope this page will answer common questions.  If you have any other questions, please call the church at (731) 642-1721 or use our Online Visitor contact form to send in your question. 

How should I dress for church?

We tell people “come as you are.”   On any given Sunday, you’ll see people who are dressed in their “Sunday best,” and others who are dressed casually, so chances are that you won’t feel under-dressed or over-dressed.

Where should I sit? 

We have ushers who will help you find a seat.  Feel free to arrive a few minutes early to enjoy the prelude music, and to pray in preparation for worship. 

As a first-time visitor will I be singled out? 

No! You won’t be made to stand up, publicly introduce yourself, or wear a giant first time guest badge.  

Are children welcome?

Yes indeed!  For younger children, we have a professionally staffed nursery available just off the hallway in Ketchum Hall.  There is a consistency in caregiving from week to week that helps young children feel comfortable in the nursery.   

If you prefer to keep your baby or young child with you in the service, that is perfectly all right.  Babies and children are our future.  We know they wiggle and we know they make sounds. You may actually want to sit close to the front with your children so they have a better view of what’s going on!

For older pre-schoolers through elementary school-aged children we offer the Godly Play program.  Children in the Godly Play class join the adults for the second part of the worship service, the liturgy of Holy Communion.  Or, again, if you prefer, the children may stay with their families throughout the service.  Children can learn to follow and enjoy the predictable and comforting rhythms of the liturgy.  Please don’t hesitate to let us know if there is anything we can do to be welcoming to your children.

Is it difficult to follow the worship liturgy?

Our liturgy is found in the Book of Common Prayer – the red book in the pew rack – and hymns generally are in the blue hymnal. The bulletin you receive as you come into church outlines the service and lists the page numbers to turn to in the Book of Common Prayer.  

Participate as much as you feel comfortable.   Some visitors prefer to sit near the rear so they can follow the lead of people around them regarding when to stand up, when to kneel, and so forth.   

It is our intention that worship be meaningful–not an exercise in correctness. We love our liturgy and enjoy introducing others to this ancient and traditional way of worship.    

For more information on our form of worship:
What to expect at an Anglican (Episcopal) Church

What to Expect When You Visit

What about communion?

All baptized Christians are welcome to share in Communion with us.  Ushers will guide the congregation to approach the altar rail. There, you may stand or kneel, and place your right palm on top of your left palm to receive the wafer.   You may consume it immediately and then drink from the common cup when it is offered to you, or you may dip your wafer into the cup and then consume it. If you drink from the common cup, simply guide the cup to your mouth by placing your hand at the base of the chalice. 

If you don’t wish to receive communion, you are still welcome at the altar rail.  Fold your arms across your chest to indicate you are not receiving communion, and the officiant will say a brief blessing over you. 

We invite you to fill out this online visitor card.