A message from Senior Warden Pam Evans
I know there is a lot of Covid-19 fatigue right now. The Diocesan office has been very specific and has been in contact with our vestry weekly and directly regarding the safety of group gatherings inside / in person right now. The numbers of infections are increasing. The death rates have been lower but likely due to the results of lock down in previous weeks. With the reopening processes and lack of precautions for masking and 6 feet distances, more young people have been infected but do show a higher survival rate. It is projected that these newly infected young people will then spread the virus to our more vulnerable populations and we will be at risk for increasing deaths. None of us can predict the rest of this year – not for our families, our schools, our economy, our workplaces, or our churches.
We will pray ourselves through this. Grace church has a vibrant digital worship and communications process. The vestry is carefully considering when and how to continue our worship. Some churches in our diocese that started to meet in person have returned to digital services due to safety concerns and low attendance.
We all want to worship together as soon as we can. Currently, all churches in our diocese are advised not to have a Eucharistic service. Our options are morning prayer or scripture and sermon only.
This is a link to the article about the Covid-19 spread within a choir. I know it’s very detailed with lots of numbers. But I don’t want the congregation to think that we are not carefully looking at all aspects in guiding Grace church through this pandemic.
I have ordered masks for everyone with the thought that we will be prepared when we can gather.
Many thanks, Pam