Our Ash Wednesday service is CANCELED due to the weather. SUNDAY Feb 21 – we intend to worship IN PERSON with Canon Sharon Alexander who will be visiting us from the diocese. A printed version of the Ash Wednesday service from the Book of Common Prayer will be published at 12:00 noon Wednesday on our website, and our senior warden encourages everyone to check the list below of Lenten activities and classes for various age-groups and interests offered through the diocese – some are even online. https://mailchi.mp/episwtn.org/2021-lenten-opportunities-in-the-diocese-of-west-tennessee?e=ea7abfefca&fbclid=IwAR2q5cXwQZ13sGqKeCVGvLR0C0e1jfwIWQk67JLw45aVIE3kAoMyXD83XFw
Ongoing Classes and Groups
Sunday Christian Education
for children:
10:30 AM
Godly Play class
A respectful and imaginative presentation of scripture stories in a Montessori-style environment.
Daughters of the King
Grace's chapter of a national religious order for women dedicated to prayer and service meets first Sundays after church.
Women of Grace
Accomplishing some good works as they enjoy Christian companionship, and encourage one another in faith, the group meets 2nd Thursdays at 6:00 PM.