Our Ash Wednesday service is CANCELED due to the weather. SUNDAY Feb 21 – we intend to worship IN PERSON with Canon Sharon Alexander who will be visiting us from the diocese. A printed version of the Ash Wednesday service from the Book of Common Prayer will be published at 12:00 noon Wednesday on our website, and our senior warden encourages everyone to check the list below of Lenten activities and classes for various age-groups and interests offered through the diocese – some are even online. https://mailchi.mp/episwtn.org/2021-lenten-opportunities-in-the-diocese-of-west-tennessee?e=ea7abfefca&fbclid=IwAR2q5cXwQZ13sGqKeCVGvLR0C0e1jfwIWQk67JLw45aVIE3kAoMyXD83XFw