Dec 3, 2023
Welcome to our online worship resources for the first Sunday of Advent. Everything has changed. Ordinary time with its liturgical color of green is over. Advent calls for the royal color of blue as we take today and the next three Sundays to wait and prepare for the...
Nov 30, 2023
This Sunday is the first Sunday of Advent, and after the worship service, please join us for a potluck lunch (bring a dish to share if you can!) and help with the greening of the church! Many hands make light work!
Nov 26, 2023
Welcome everyone to our online worship resources for Christ the King Sunday, the last Sunday before Advent. These worship resources are compiled for visitors and members who are unable to attend church in person. Our great God meets us all in spirit, wherever we are....
Nov 19, 2023
Welcome to our online worship resources, which we compile for those who are unable to be with us in person. These include the lectionary scripture readings appointed for today, selected hymns, and a video version of the lesson that the children in our Godly Play class...
Nov 18, 2023
The Episcopal Diocese of West Tennessee held its annual convention on Friday, November 17th and several members of Grace were on hand to represent our church, along with Father Bill Burks. Pam Evans and Holly Kimbrell served as our delegates and Patty Easley was...
Nov 12, 2023
ANNOUNCEMENT: For our in-person worship today, the bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of West Tennessee, Bishop Phoebe Roaf, will be our very special guest celebrant and we’ve moved our “First Sunday” potluck lunch to today to welcome her. The...