Covid Update: Wear your masks

Our church’s leaders are guiding us back to masking during worship to protect against the spike of the highly contagious Delta variant. The outbreak is expected to peak over the next 5 weeks and then recede, so this masking is not forever, but is a practical...

Aug 1 – Blessing of the Backpacks, Blessing of Health Care workers

This Sunday it’s the “Blessing of the Backpacks” for all students of any age, and for all teachers, as they begin a new year of learning and teaching. BRING YOUR BACKPACK or SCHOOL BAG! Additionally, we will also be blessing our HEALTH CARE workers...

Grace Online: July 18th – 8th Sunday After Pentecost

Welcome to Grace! Our in-person worship service is at 10:30 AM, and we supply online worship resources for those who may be traveling, unable to attend in person, or would like to revisit the scriptures and hymns during the week. Special thanks to Jonathan Beasley for...

Plans for Pentecost – May 23

Wear red for Pentecost! This tradition comes from the fact that Pentecost marks the coming of the Holy Spirit to the apostles after Jesus ascended, and red is the symbolic color for the Holy Spirit and for Pentecost. We are also having our first coffee hour since the...

May 16th: We welcome Canon Sharon Alexander

Join us this Sunday at 10:30 AM in person as we welcome Canon Sharon Alexander as our guest celebrant. She comes to us from the Episcopal Diocese of West Tennessee.

Grace Online: Third Sunday of Easter – Apr 18

Welcome to Grace Episcopal Church’s online worship resources. We continue to celebrate the season of Easter. Grace Church is meeting in person on Sundays at 10:30 AM and everyone is welcome. Children’s Resources A priest tells this week’s Godly Play...