Grace Church Online: June 7 – Trinity Sunday

Welcome and Announcements Welcome to everyone who visits here. Trinity Sunday begins the liturgical season of ordinary time that follows Pentecost. In this service, we celebrate the revelation of God as the Holy Trinity—God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit....

Grace Church Online: May 31 Pentecost Sunday

Welcome and Announcements Welcome to our online worship for Pentecost Sunday. We pray for the Holy Spirit to move within us and in our world, and to truly make us one in the Spirit, as our opening hymn proclaims. “Today we mark Pentecost, the coming of the Holy...

Pentecost is Coming Sunday! Wear your reds!

Share photos of your family in their reds – or red flowers from your garden, etc, with the private Members of Grace group on Facebook or email them to the website manager, for a public gallery here. Click into this post to get those links, and to see what we...

Grace Church Online: May 24, 7th Sunday of Easter

WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Welcome to Grace Church’s online worship! We hope you’ll settle in with the following liturgy and be refreshed and blessed. This Sunday Father Will Holt leads us through the service, with readings by members of our congregation...

A Message from the Vestry

Hello Grace Church, Attached is a recent communication from Bishop Phoebe. It is very thoughtful and detailed,  providing guidelines regarding how and when to resume in person worship.  All of the considerations given address concerns to reduce infection rates of...

Grace’s Graduates

May 2020 has been an important  month in the lives of three exemplary young men of Grace Church. Wish them all the best as they continue their careers. While the nature of the end of their college courses was unexpected and unprecedented,  the future for all three of...