May 17, 2020
WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Welcome to Grace Church’s home worship resources for the sixth Sunday of Easter. Every week brings us a little closer to the time when we will be together again. In the meantime, take care of yourselves and each other. Make sure...
May 9, 2020
WELCOME and ANNOUNCEMENTS Welcome Grace Church parish family, friends and visitors! It’s Mother’s Day and also it is still Easter! This morning we have Father Will Holt leading our worship, and we have our wonderful church musicians Rhonda Stanton and ZoĆ«...
May 2, 2020
Greetings and good morning, Grace Church family, friends and visitors! We’re worshiping online for the time being as we protect each other from the spread of Covid-19. We are grateful for Reverend Dorothy Hartzog for leading our worship this morning, for Rhonda...
Apr 26, 2020
Welcome to Grace Episcopal Church this morning! All are welome to join us in worship. We’re continuing with our new practice of online worship on Sundays as we work diligently to slow the spread of the coronavirus and lovingly protect each other and our...
Apr 19, 2020
Welcome to our weekly worship time together! One thing about the Episcopal Church – it’s still Easter for us! We are still celebrating and worshiping the risen Jesus. Alleluia! Thank you to all of the people who volunteered to sing and read for our benefit...
Apr 12, 2020
Welcome to all on this Easter, the Day of Resurrection! We have passed through 40 days of Lent, and at last the day has come to celebrate the central event of our Christian faith, the resurrection of Jesus after his death on the cross. Although we are individually...