Stations of the Cross video

Our senior warden, Pam Evans went to Grace Church this evening to walk the Stations of the Cross. Thanks to her trusty videographer, Chester Evans, she was able to bring the rest of us along with her. The Stations journey is broken into two videos. Part One:...

Grace Church Online: Lent 3 – March 15 Worship Service

Get out your Book of Common Prayer (or use the links below) and follow the order of service on the page numbers indicated. Links for music and readings will open in new tabs in your browser when you click them. That way you can have the musical accompaniment playing...

Mar 15 – Livestream from National Cathedral

Our denomination is stepping up with leadership as we all respond to the Covid-19 pandemic and work to slow its transmission in order to protect those most vulnerable to it. This Sunday a livestream of the eucharistic service from the Washington National Cathedral...

Upcoming cancellations

Friday Stations of the Cross observance and our worship services for March 15th and 22nd are canceled in order to reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19, especially to those most at risk from the virus, our older adults and immune-weakened individuals. (Thankfully the...

Fridays in Lent: Stations of the Cross

Join Pat Woods in the sanctuary of Grace Church (in Episcopalian we call that the nave) on Fridays a few minutes after noon each week during Lent. Participants will experience a reverent journey that commemorates the last days of Jesus’ life. You are welcome to...

2/25 – Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner

The Grace Church Men’s Breakfast Club is cooking up a pancake dinner for all from 5-7 PM on Shrove Tuesday. Bring your friends, family and an appetite and enjoy breakfast for dinner!