Grace Online: July 21st, 9th Sunday after Pentecost

Welcome to Grace! Our in-person worship service is at 10:30 AM, and we supply online worship resources for those who may be traveling, unable to attend in person, or would like to revisit the scriptures and hymns during the week. Special thanks to Jonathan Beasley for...

Grace Online: July 14 – 8th Sunday After Pentecost

We welcome everyone to join us for worship at 10:30 on Sundays. These online worship resources are made available for anyone who may be traveling this week or not able to attend our in-person worship – or for anyone who just wants to revisit the scriptures,...

Grace Online: July 7th, 7th Sunday after Pentecost

Welcome Grace Church family, friends and visitors! We offer our online worship resources as an aid to your personal worship when you can’t be with us in person. Many thanks to our lay readers and to our talented church musicians Rhonda Stanton and Zoe Pouliot who...

Grace Online: June 30th, 6th Sunday after Pentecost

All are welcome to worship in person each Sunday at 10:30. We supply these online worship resources as a supplement or for anyone who is unable to attend. Green is the liturgical color associated with the season after Pentecost also known in our tradition as “Ordinary...

Grace Online: June 23rd, 5th Sunday after Pentecost

We welcome everyone to worship in person each Sunday at 10:30. We supply these online worship resources as a supplement or for anyone who is unable to attend.Green is the liturgical color associated with the season after Pentecost also known in our tradition as...

Grace Online: June 16th, 4th Sunday After Pentecost

We welcome everyone to worship in person each Sunday at 10:30. We supply these online worship resources as a supplement or for anyone who is unable to attend.Green is the liturgical color associated with the season after Pentecost also known in our tradition as...