May 4th and May 5th Activities

Saturday May 4th from 9 AM to 12 PM is our church work day when we band together to get some chores done around the church building and grounds. If you can push a broom or pull a weed, please join us so we can quickly knock out our to-do list! Many hands make light...

Grace Online: April 28th, 5th Sunday of Easter

Welcome Grace Church family, friends and visitors! We offer our online worship resources as an aid to your personal worship when you can’t be with us in person. Many thanks to our lay readers and to our talented church musicians Rhonda Stanton and Zoe Pouliot...

Grace Online: April 21, 4th Sunday of Easter

Welcome to Grace Episcopal Church’s online worship resources. We continue to celebrate the season of Easter. This 4th Sunday in Easter is traditionally celebrated as Good Shepherd Sunday. Join us in person at 10:30 on Sundays. The Fourth Sunday of Easter...

Diocesan Event May 14th

Bishop Roaf is holding a Round Up of all the men of the Diocese of West Tennessee at the Church of the Holy Communion, 4645 Walnut Grove Rd, Memphis, TN, on Tuesday, May 14th at 6 p.m.  We will feast on BBQ, beans and slaw from the Commissary owned by our fellow...

Grace Online: Apr 14th, Third Sunday in Easter

Welcome to Grace Episcopal Church’s online worship resources, provided for those who aren’t able to be with us in person. Did you know it is still Easter? In the Episcopal Church we celebrate and explore the implications of the resurrection of Jesus for a...

Grace Online: April 7th, Second Sunday in Easter

Happy Easter! In the Episcopal Church, we celebrate Easter for 50 days. It is too big an event to confine to a single day. We celebrate the resurrection of Jesus and explore its meaning for ourselves and our world during the next several weeks. We invite you to join...