Announcements and Events

Grace Online: March 9th, First Sunday in Lent

We invite you to keep a holy Lent and welcome you to our worship on this first Sunday in the season of Lent. Grace Church meets in person on Sundays at 10:30 and visitors are always welcome. We offer these online resources for those who, for any reason, cannot attend...

March 5th at 5:30–Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday is the solemn doorway into the season of Lent, a season many Christians dedicate to a spiritual journey towards Holy Week and the celebration of the resurrection on Easter. There's no better time to return to a religious observance if you've lost the...

Grace Welcomes You

Invited?  Of course you’re invited!  Got questions?  Call the church at (731) 642-1721 or read a page about your first visit.

Sundays at a Glance

10:30 a.m. Holy Communion (worship service)
10:30 a.m. Godly Play class (class rejoins congregation for communion.) 

Godly Play Class

We offer Godly Play for pre-school through elementary-aged children–a Montessori based program of Christian education.

Welcome to Grace Episcopal Church

People come to church for different reasons. Some of us come to belong to a community. A lot of us come because church helps us make sense of the rest of the week or the world…

Many of us come to share in the Sacraments and commune with God, and some of us come just because we’re looking for answers. The wonderful thing about the Episcopal Church is that it offers room for everyone—regardless of our reasons for attending. There’s even room for those of us who don’t know why we’re here, yet.

What makes Grace Church truly unique is the warmth, vitality, and embracing nature of its people. We are a worshiping community that has Jesus Christ at our center. Sunday mornings are the centerpiece of our week together, but there is so much more going on among us—people gathering for encouragement and support, and for spiritual and personal growth. Grace Church has so many open doors to its family and so many smiling faces to welcome you.

Besides our faithful commitment to Jesus Christ, the thing that may define us most is our love of fellowship. We are a community that loves to have fun, and we do just that. The strength of our parish family is the relationships that bind our people together. This binding happens in times of crisis—when we circle around those who need that love—but those relationships begin in the social occasions that our parish family relishes. We are a community that is blessed by God’s love, and we live into that by coming together to celebrate God’s love.

We warmly invite you to visit and participate.

Rev. Bill Burks

Rev. Bill Burks

Assisting Priest

Rev. Linda Hilliard

Rev. Linda Hilliard

Assisting Clergy

Rhonda Stanton

Rhonda Stanton

Music Director

Visitor Card
God Loves You, No Exceptions