Good morning Grace Church! We may be apart for awhile but we can still worship together. Get out your Book of Common Prayer to follow the order of service or refer to the online version available here, following the page numbers listed in the outline below or the service leaflet.
Our church musicians, Rhonda Stanton and ZoĆ« Pouliot have worked hard to bring you the words and music of the hymns Father Will suggested for this Sunday’s worship. We hope you’ll open the links (they will open in separate tabs of your browser so you can switch back and forth) and sing along! We had hoped to bring you Father Will’s sermon for this week but if ever there was a week for flexibility, this has been it. As our lives change in order to safeguard our brothers and sisters, that possibility changed as well.
You can print off the service leaflet from the link below, or follow the outline provided below, clicking links as you go.
Service leaflet to download and print
Processional Hymn 7 Christ whose glory fills the skies words | music
Opening Acclamation and Collect BCP p. 355
Kyrie S-91 words | music
Collect of the Day
1 Samuel 16: 1-13
Psalm 23
Ephesians 5: 8-14
Gospel Hymn 645 The king of love my shepherd is words | music
The Holy Gospel John 9: 1-41
Sermon: Father Will Holt – [not available]
Nicene Creed BCP 358
Prayers of the People Form VI BCP 392
Sharing of God’s Peace BCP p. 360
Offertory Hymn 692 I heard the voice of Jesus say words | music
Presentation of Alms – Doxology words | music
Rite I, Eucharistic Prayer II, BCP 340
Sanctus S114 words | music
Fraction Anthem S158 words | music
Communion Hymn 490 I want to walk as a child of the light words | music
Post Communion Prayer and Blessing BCP 365
Recessional Hymn 371 Thou whose almighty word words | music
Dismissal BCP 366
For children in the Godly Play class, the story we had planned for the class is told in this video, starting from the beginning but stopping at the 7:45 mark. Each week in Lent we retell the early parts of the story and add to it the next part of the story. In this way, week by week, we tell key parts of Jesus’s life and ministry, leading to the cross and the resurrection, in an age appropriate way.